& Projects
Babak Afrassiabi
22 Nov 2003 — 20 Dec 2003

Babak Afrassiabi

Perhaps Driven Knowingly By Bad Terms
video installation

The installation consists of two elements, a video projection and and slide
projection of a text. The two are not related in their contents but rather
in the way they are constructed. Both represent a disastrous state, one on a
textual and a narrative level, the other on a architectural de-constructive
level. The disastrous structure of the text is more on a personal level,
with a more narrative and melodramatic mode, (referring to Hollywood). The
video is a depiction of an architectural disaster in construction. The cut
in almost the middle of the screen divides the image in two different times
and speeds, strengthening the hysteria of the landscape, one that is also
present in the text...

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text image